Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2012 Series Wiki
Napoleon Bonafrog

Napoleon Bonafrog is an ally of the Ninja Turtles. He is a member of the Punk Frogs. Napoleon Bonafrog debuts in The Croaking.


When Mrs. O'Neil was in the woods and was going to throw Mutagen into a pond with frogs, Michelangelo knocked off the canister from her hands. But then, the Mutagen was able to mutate all of the frogs from the pond. These frogs mutated into mutants that are now known as the Punk Frogs. One of these frogs was named Napoleon Bonafrog.

TV Show[]

Season 3[]

Buried Secrets[]

The Croaking[]




  • He is a friend of Michelangelo.
  • In the Punk Frogs, he is the one who is rejected, just like Mikey is with the Ninja Turtles.
  • In The Croaking, it is revealed that he doesn't hate humans like the rest of the frogs.
  • He is the jokester of the Punk Frogs, just like Michelangelo.
  • In The Croaking, he becomes the general of the Punk Frogs.
  • Napoleon Bonafrog is the first frog to taste pizza from the Punk Frogs.